A young woman just moved in to her own place, with pile of boxes in the living room

Tips for Staying Healthy After Moving Out on Your Own

• Make a grocery list and stick to it when shopping to ensure you buy necessary items and avoid overspending. 

• Cook your own meals to control what you eat and ensure you’re getting the nutrition your body needs. 

• Exercise regularly, include physical activity into your daily routine, and join a gym or fitness class if needed. 

• Get regular check-ups with a doctor and specialists as needed to ensure your health is in good shape. 

Congratulations on taking the leap and moving out on your own. This is a huge milestone, and you should be proud of yourself for taking the initiative to start your independent life. With independence comes the added responsibility of caring for yourself, including your health. So, how exactly do you care for your health while living independently? Here’s a look at some tips that can help you stay healthy in this new phase in life.

Eat Well

Living independently means that you have to take control of your dietary habits and make sure that you are making healthy choices. You may feel now that you no longer have the same structure and parental guidance in your meals and snacks, but that doesn’t mean you should turn to takeout and junk food. Here are some ways to ensure that you are eating right:

Make a Grocery List

Now that you’re on your own, you will realize the importance of making and sticking to a grocery list. This is because when you shop with a list, you are less likely to buy unnecessary items that can cause you to overspend. Plus, having a grocery list will help ensure you get all the essential items your body needs to stay healthy.

Make Time for Cooking

Cooking when you’re living on your own is essential. Not only does it save money, but it also allows you to control exactly what goes into your meal and ensure you are getting the necessary nutrition. Cooking can be a great way to destress and explore new recipes.

Choose Healthy Snacks

Living on your own, without the guidance of parents, may be tempting to indulge in unhealthy snacks. However, not because you can doesn’t mean you should. Instead, opt for healthier snacks like fruits and vegetables or nuts. These provide essential nutrients and help keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

Stay Active

A young man doing yoga over a window at home

Exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle, so you must stay active even when living alone. Take some time out of your day for at least 30 minutes of physical activity. Here are some tips on how to stay active when living on your own:

Find an Exercise Routine That Works for You

There are many different types of exercise that you can do, from running and walking to yoga and strength training. Find one (or a few) that works for you and make them part of your weekly routine.

Join a Gym or Fitness Class

If you need an extra push to stay motivated and active, consider joining a local gym or fitness class. This way, you can work out with other people who have similar goals as you. Plus, having someone to help keep you accountable will make it easier to stick to your exercise routine.

Make Exercise Part of Your Routine

It’s important to make exercise part of your daily routine. This might mean setting aside time in the morning or evening to do physical activity or even just taking the stairs instead of the elevator when possible.

Get Your Health Checked Regularly

You must be even more proactive about your health now that you’re alone. Nobody will be looking out for you, so you must get regular check-ups with a doctor. This way, you can ensure that potential issues are caught early and addressed before they become bigger problems. To get a comprehensive health check, here are the experts that can help you:

Primary Care Physician

Your primary care physician should be your first stop for a comprehensive health check-up. They can provide you with physical examinations, blood tests, and other diagnostic tests to ensure your bodily functions are working properly.

Dental Expert

A woman talking to a dentist in a clinic

It’s important to get your teeth and gums checked regularly. Ensure you have a trusted dentist who knows your medical history and can detect potential issues. They will be able to provide you with the necessary care to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Additionally, they can also provide advice on proper dental hygiene and offer preventative measures to keep any potential issues from occurring.

Eye Doctor

Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body, so you must get regular check-ups with an eye doctor. They can detect potential issues or diseases that could lead to vision loss or other serious problems.


If needed, specialists like cardiologists or neurologists can help you with more specific health concerns. They will be able to provide more in-depth examinations and tests to ensure that you are healthy and that any potential issues are addressed before they become bigger problems.

Living alone is liberating and empowering but also comes with more responsibility. Taking care of your health is an important part of that responsibility, so follow these tips and visit the right experts to keep yourself in good shape.

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