woman talking to supervisor

Increasing Business Productivity through Technology

Productivity has been an issue for many businesses since they asked them to work from home to avoid getting sick. While some businesses have started to ask their employees to work from the office, some have opted to continue with the work-from-home arrangement due to the emergence of new variants of the virus.

While it is challenging, these businesses can still improve the productivity of their employees using technology. Here are the ways a business can use technology to increase the productivity of their work-from-home employees.

Using Tools to Track Time

Businesses can use technology to track time to monitor their employees’ progress while working on a project. It also allows the employees to stay abreast of their deadlines and work to ensure they finish the project on schedule.

There are several online time tracking tools that these businesses can use. They can ask their employees to download the tools and log in at the start of the workday. These tools even provide the businesses screenshots of the desktop of employees to see if they were productive throughout the day. Additionally, the data collected by these tools allow businesses to analyze employees’ productivity throughout the day.

Systematize Processes

Technology also systematizes processes, which increases productivity since it streamlines workflows within the business. The processes and workflows that technology streamlines are time-consuming and repetitive tasks. These tasks include sorting information in the system and sending marketing emails. Technology reduces human error that may emerge when an employee feels bored while working on these tasks.

There are several platforms that a business can use to perform these tasks. Once the business integrates the platform into its system, it only requires monitoring from one or two individuals to work properly. The business can even outsource its implementation and monitoring to allow its employees to focus on their work.

One such platform that the business can use is ServiceNow. The implementation of the ServiceNow platform facilitates the use of tools that can streamline the processes within the business. It can also facilitate IT assets, HR services, and the projects that the business handles.

Implementing this platform also makes complex financial applications easier to handle and enhances better management of customer service concerns in the business.

man taking coffee at work

Improve Concentration

Technology also allows employees to focus since they will not have any interruptions while working. With this, their productivity will improve. The employees can do this by using devices that improve concentration. Additionally, implementing a platform to systematize processes also allows employees to concentrate better on their work. In this situation, businesses should use technology that is suitable for the workflow, culture, and processes within the workplace.

Facilitate Assignment and Scheduling of Tasks

Technology also allows the employees to have better time management. It also allows them to schedule tasks throughout the day. Online scheduling and calendar tools make this possible. They can also integrate these tools with any productivity app they use on their computers and mobile devices.

The employees can plot their daily tasks and set reminders before the schedule of the task. This allows them to keep track of what they need to do for each day or week. Additionally, integrating these tools into the system also allows the business to assign tasks and deadlines to the employees. This removes the need to call the employees and tell them about the tasks they need to accomplish.

In this situation, the employees only need to check the tool to see any new tasks assigned to them.

Facilitate Communication

One of the challenges in a work-from-home arrangement is communication. In the past, communication was done through the phone. But advances in technology have given businesses several options in getting in touch with remote employees. Aside from the phone, businesses can send a message through email or talk with them using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

Collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and G Suite also allow a business to work with its teams even if they are not in the same location. The business can also hold a meeting using video conferencing software, such as Google Meet and Zoom. The software allows businesses to meet with the employees online and demonstrate any new business process in the future.

They can also share documents through online central repositories. Using these repositories provide employees access to documents that they need for their work. They also allow them to edit these documents in real-time.

Even as many businesses continue to implement work-from-home arrangements with their employees, they can remain productive using the latest innovations in technology.

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